Chest pain or discomfort can feel like pres sure or squeeze chest pain. It may feel an upset stomach. You may also feel pain in your shoulders, arms, jaw, neck or back. Shortness of breath often comes along with chest pain but can occur earlier. Further details about the symptoms start nausea or dizziness, cold sweat, upper body discomfort in one or either both arms, jaw, neck or stomach. Self-Care at Home for Heart Disease Treatment Do not ignore chest discomfort or pain. Time is very important. Do not try to drive yourself or encourage someone. If you smoke, quit. This is the best lifestyle changes you can make. After 3 years of not smoking reduces the risk of heart disease, nonsmoker. Your health care specialist can help you to quit the smoking via medication, behavioral changes, or utilize nicotine replacement products. Hold your intake of calories from fat, 30% of your total calories. This means that less than 60 grams of fat daily, adult dose. Most Western...